Jessica is a 15-year-old high school sophomore who lives in Pennsylvania. She attended a summer program that was filled with students who lived in small towns that did not have the possibility to participate in student opportunities. Although Jessica was lucky enough to attend this program, there are many other students in the world who are unable to. This sparked Jessica and idea to create an organization that features other organizations and help students who dealt with the same situation as Jessica at the same time. This is when Jessica creates Lemons and Life Org.
Lemons and Life Org is a bi-weekly newsletter that features student opportunities. These opportunities would include team applications, internships, volunteering, zoom classes, and more. The organization's aim is to help students find opportunities, feature students, and blog about trying new things in life such as a new skill each week.
Lemons and Life Org was only launched a little over a month ago, starting on June 20th, 2020. Within this short amount of time, the organization has reached over 1,500 followers on Instagram and over 500 people sign up their bi-weekly newsletter.
The organization plans on launching a zoom class program in September which will offer over 40 courses. Lemons and Life Org has been planning for this release by recruiting a variety of tutors that can help with teaching, from business to STEM to design.
Click here to view their Instagram.