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Young Entrepreneur Creates Online Boutique Incorporating Entrepreneurship, Style, and Faith

As a young entrepreneur, it's hard to create a successful business that you're passionate about. Meet Brooke Wyatt, the founder and CEO of Rosie Boutique. Brooke is a teen entrepreneur from Indianapolis, Indiana. She created Rosie Boutique in the early months of 2019.

Founder & CEO Brooke Wyatt

Brooke has grown up in a family of entrepreneurs, naturally drawing her into the business world as well. When Brooke was 16-years-old, she quickly discovered that there was a limited list of women entrepreneurs her age. This encouraged her to pursue her dreams of entrepreneurship even more and create her own business. Brooke was able to successfully develop Rosie Boutique in 2019, where she incorporated three pillars into her products: entrepreneurship, style, and faith; all of which she has always had a passion for.

Entrepreneurship plays a large part of Brooke's business as she encourages all, especially young women, to pursue what they want to do, earlier than later. Brooke also wanted to incorporate her faith into her business. She was raised in a Catholic family, and so having religion at the core of her business was important to her. Rosie Boutique utilizes the mentality of “sharing faith in style”. The name of her store, Rosie Boutique, derives from the word rosary.

Throughout the year and a half that Brooke has created her business, she has been able to meet a tremendous amount of other entrepreneurs. By meeting them and gaining more insight, Brooke has not only grown as a student, but as an entrepreneur as well. Rosie Boutique has been featured in numerous newspapers, magazine articles, and local events. The business has also been a part of multiple pop-up shops where local shoppers can shop in-stores.

Brooke will be attending Indiana University this fall, and plans on continuing her business as a college student. Rosie Boutique will be based out of her dorm room, but hopes the business will grow into something much bigger one day.

Click here to view her website.


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